sculpture & attempted medicines

NOTE: web site is currently undergoing construction

Son’s of Mankato–Unbalanced Ledgers, Tilted plain-2019

“–these are participatory events are a sculpting of the social and a re-shaping of self–they celebrate provoke confess and may serve as absurd medicines. My most important work appears through happenstance encounters at hard to reach canyons, in derelict buildings and on broad grassy expanses, here I share discursive rituals with the public reacting to the the social actions and environmental activities unflattering truths that define us.”

mcdiarmid has:

Created a blanket dispenser for the homeless in New York City • Fed the public ice-cream from a solar work embellished with high tech gizmos assembled on remote deserts sites across the American southwest • Bathed in used motor oil in a wetland swamp • Worn a French-Court inspired wig of script describing the pleasures and powers of luxury while traversing mountain passes and deserts with a Mr. Coffee pot and an entourage of assistants • Dressed as a ‘Gimp Skunk’ to discuss American foreign policy and personal failings • Reconfigured western-saddle gear on an Arabian horse in into ‘I dream of Jeanie’ inspired garb • Created opportunities for bears to play the accordion in the John Muir wilderness area • and is deeply engaged in making custom objects for those ill favored by law. His most recent work explores his culpability as heir to advantages broiught forth by the displacement of the Native population of the American Continent–including the Mass hanging of 38 Dakota in Mankato Minnesota–the community where McDiarmid was raised.